Sunday, November 6, 2016

‘farewell, o companion’

One of my favorite tales in Ovid's Metamorphoses is that of Philemon & Baucis. I went looking for the book you bought, the book we got after we watched the play adapted from Metamorphoses. I came across some notes you wrote to me.  Notes I haven't seen in years.  One written in September of 1998, we'd only known each other a month and our friendship meant so much to each other. I  found others, a note you wrote when I was pregnant and I was taking an exam that would determine our financial future and your words gave me comfort & no matter the outcome we would be fine because we are a team.  Other notes with latin and greek phrases.  

I love you handsome man.  I miss you so.  Thank you for showing me so many beautiful things, teaching me love, being my friend, my partner.  

talia tum placido Saturnius edidit ore:
‘dicite, iuste senex et femina coniuge iusto
digna, quid optetis.’ cum Baucide pauca locutus
iudicium superis aperit commune Philemon:
‘esse sacerdotes delubraque vestra tueri
poscimus, et quoniam concordes egimus annos,
auferat hora duos eadem, nec coniugis umquam
busta meae videam, neu sim tumulandus ab illa.’
vota fides sequitur: templi tutela fuere,
donec vita data est; annis aevoque soluti
ante gradūs sacros cum starent forte locique
narrarent casus, frondere Philemona Baucis,
Baucida conspexit senior frondere Philemon.
iamque super geminos crescente cacumine vultus
mutua, dum licuit, reddebant dicta ‘vale’ que
‘o coniunx’ dixere simul, simul abdita texit
ora frutex: ostendit adhuc Thyneius illic
incola de gemino vicinos corpore truncos.

-Ovid's Metamorphoses 
8.703 - 8.720

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