Wednesday, June 1, 2016


Remember that me I spoke of, the one I'm still working on.  I guess really we are all working on ourselves as we live life on this planet.  I'm working out details and carving out who I am today, the who I have to be without your physical presence.

Before we met I was a decent writer.  When I learned that was your dream I stood back and maybe asked for your assistance in writing a little more than absolutely necessary.  You were by far a much more talented writer than I, and your help was always much appreciated.  I've written some things of great importance over the last few years, things you couldn't help with, your mother's eulogy I wrote & delivered because you were not in a place to do it.  I wrote your obituary, a piece that I am extremely proud of even today.  I  helped our daughter write a brief eulogy she wanted to delivery at your service, a piece of writing from her heart and she delivered it very eloquently in front of dozens of people.

Yesterday I wrote an email to our daughter's school giving my opinion about the closing of the school library and I urged them to reconsider.  Before I sent it off I took some time to truly think about it and let it mull in my thoughts.  I asked for advise & input from those who's opinion I value and from those who have more knowledge in the art of rhetoric and proper grammar.  I am very proud of what I submitted and I think you would be as well.  Time will tell if my efforts prove to be successful.

I found a picture that truly speaks to me in this life I am carving out.

Me and your princess helping each other keep balance. 
Moving forward into the sun and dark clouds ahead. 
Flowers and weeds lining our path. 

I love you handsome man. 

take care, 

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