Thursday, September 12, 2024

So tired

 My eyelids are heavy and my heart is tired.  Thoughts swirl and my mind just goes.  I need a rest, I need laughter.  I need something funny to ease my mind.  A needed day off from work, but my mind betrays me.  I'm struggling, but do I share, do I say.  I'm trying to be helpful, but I'm just so tired and absolutely drained.  I expended a lot of energy this afternoon, I did enjoy myself, but there was a price.  I am so tired. I know I keep saying that.  I don't know what else to say.  

Friday, July 5, 2024

One day at a time

 I can't sleep, my mind swirls with so many thoughts. An upcoming trip, a phrase uttered at the gathering today, and the year ten.  Funny it's not the thoughts you would think that are keeping me up.  The new information I learned today was indeed new information, but not shocking or unexpected.  The new information doesn't scare me or make me want to change course.  If anything it's just the opposite, the new information is drawing me in, pulling me closer.  I care so very much I want to help through thick and thin. I know I can because I've done it before, kinda like Harry Potter when he casts the all encompassing patronus.   The possibility or dare I say likelihood of a repeat for me doesn't scare me or make me gun shy.  I still want to learn and keep going even with this knowledge.  I still want to take things one day at a time, no matter where the origin of the phrase I'm sticking with it and sticking with you. One day at a time. 

I think what is keeping me up is a conversation we had tonight at the gathering.  We talked about the place where your princess works.  The people, well really family said that place had been there "forever" and I just can't fathom that.  That building was not there when you were here.  I know that in my bones.  For them to say it has been here forever, at least ten years.  It just hit me now 2:30 in the morning, it just clicked in my mind.  The people I call family, the people who are from here, roots are here, all their memories are of here, just like your princess all they know is this area.  They said it had been here forever, at least ten years.  I even spoke up and said, no it hasn't been that long, I remember that building being built.  It was built after you left this planet, you never step foot in that place.  For the words it's been there forever makes it seem like you've been gone forever.  Please understand the family was not trying to be malicious, they had no idea my brain still thinks in terms of before you, after you.  On the way home C said it was built 7 or 8 years ago. That's not forever damn it.  That's not even ten years ago, not yet damn it.  The time as become a rounding up. I guess we're up to the nearest ten.  

Math.  I still remember you taking that statistics class to get your AA to transfer to SDSU.  Sitting in that coffee shop in Coronado, Cafe 1134.  We both did the homework.  You on your paper for the actual grade and me on my paper so we could compare answers.  If they weren't the same you'd look at my work and learn how I got to my answer.  That's how we did so much of life.  Learning how the other thought and we came to solutions together and understood where the other was coming from.  

3,373 days. It's been 9 years and 88 days. It's kinda like I'm still 49, I'm not rounding up.  Though this would be prime teasing time.  From January until October I would get to tease you about how old you were.  Gray hair jokes, which I don't believe I am donning just yet, that really use to make you smile in a shake your head kind of way.  Remember your 88th birthday, the cake, the candles.  You said you would wait for me even if it was until you were 88. I didn't even realize you had a thing for me.  You even wanted to get married before I graduated.  You watched me work so hard, studying in the library until 2am sneaking in coffee for us.  Or maybe you just wanted me to know you were marrying me and not my degree.  Whatever the reason that day in 2001 was the absolute best. 

I'm rambling and now it's 3:20 AM.  

I'm keeping the promise, but I'm not pushing it.  I'm not giving up, but I'm not seeking. You know what I mean, you always did.  Being open to it, just taking it one day at a time. 

take care

Thursday, July 4, 2024


The only thing in life that is inevitable is death.  Death is a part of life. Everything that lives will die, from the dandelion in the front yard, the animal that becomes part of the family, to the most important person in your life.  The circumstances of death are not known, the aftermath of death is a mystery.  The focus should be on life and the time we have on this planet however finite it may be.  The finality of life is a reason to strive to do good.  To do good for others and do good for ourselves.  Sharing kindness, caring, and giving love are all part of this finite world. It is important to also be open to kindness, caring and the love freely given and not be afraid of  the dates on a tombstone.  Unfortunately pain, sorrow, evil, loneliness are also components of this world, but those are finite too.  For the fixed time we have on this planet let us live, feel joy, let us love and help one another with the pain, sorrow, evil, and loneliness.  

Whatever the number of decades, years, months, days or mere moments; giving love and being open to love is all that matters. 

take care

Saturday, June 8, 2024


 Living again.  Not just existing, completing tasks, checking boxes, crossing off the to do list.  Actually living. laughing, having discussions, being open. 

My cheeks hurt I'm smiling so much

I'm a little nervous, the wall of protection is not there, I'm kinda trusting, I'm kinda nervous, lots of excitement too.  I think the key is not to overthink it.  

Smarter now.  Chapter 3, maybe. 

take care, 

Thursday, April 11, 2024


 Nine years ago today was the last day you were alive on this planet. I still miss you.  So much has changed in these last nine years.  I think about you all the time.  I went to the grocery store today, I bought cracklin’ oat bran. It’s not as hard as it use to be & I feel guilty about that.  I know that does not make sense, but maybe there is so much on my mind right now, so many tasks I need to complete.  

I miss you. 

take care

Friday, March 22, 2024

It's been a while now.

 hello there, not sure who is on the other end of this anymore.  Maybe it's just for me now, I don't know.  So much has  happened since the last time I was here.  Is my confidence coming back? It's been a little over five months now.  So many tasks to complete, an entire life and existence to pack away and put in places to allow us all to move on.  

So many other memories flood my mind.  9 years ago today we took a virtual flight, before "virtual" was even a thing, to Paris.  As a family we had a spring break trip right in our living room.  We even had inflight snacks, yes I'm talking little packages of trail mix from delta.  I did the best I could, I still am.  My bag of tricks for your princess has expanded and grown with her as her needs grow and mature.  I really miss you.  

Sometimes I can't believe he's gone, but I can.  I know that doesn't make a whole lot of sense.  If you were still here I don't think I would be doing all of the legal and necessary work because of the thousands of miles, well I probably would because that's who I am.  It would be such a different predicament if you were still on this planet.  I don't think he would have moved here, if that happened your princess would not have been as close to him; and this wouldn't hurt so much for her, AGAIN.  Sometimes I wonder what we would be like if our lives hadn't changed 3,268 days ago.  Would she have the same interests, would she be on the same path.  I'm doing my best my love, God I miss you.  

Laundry calls.  

take care, 

Sunday, September 17, 2023


 I needed this reminder again.  Today I had no energy for anything.  I did get outside yesterday, really just to do what she wanted, it was good to be outside.  The message last night resonated with me.  The thorns have choked out the light. I'm afraid to let it go, it's become part of my definition.  

It's just been a day is all. 

take care,